The world is interconnected.
What happens in one community or country impacts us all.
There is a need to collaborate and partner across borders to exchange ideas and strategies to end hunger and food insecurity. Welcome to the Project For Our Own Development, or Project F.O.O.D., blog.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Practical Tools for Sustaining Community - Globally
Brother Ogbonna of the Toubakalong Project in Gambia, West Africa explains how people can have power in their home by using a Methane Energy Producer. This keep people from cutting down all the wood and it helps to save time in collecting wood for energy
Brother Ogbonna of the Toubakalong Project in Gambia, West Africa explains how people can have power in their home by using a Methane Energy Producer. This keep people from cutting down all the wood and it helps to save time in collecting wood for energy